Hey everyone. I’ve been gone from this space for over a year now. I was watching the sunset the other day and thinking about things new and old, while the sunset is different every day, it’s location and the fact that dark comes next is consistent. It’s hard to predict if it’s going to be beautiful with colors or just clear with the sun going down. My life lately has been unpredictable and confusing yet I find myself looking for a new day to hurry and get here.
It’s been a rough 15 months. Last school year I came back from summer vacation to find out that my position, Instructional Technology Coach for my district, was being cut, the worst feeling ever. I have tenure so didn’t lose my job, instead I went back to my old classroom teaching career tech (CTE) computer science and STEM courses. CTE courses and compliance is a whole new world for me and I feel like I am finally getting a handle on it. Since I still work there, I really am not able to share why the time has been so rough beyond the fact that I no longer do what I am so good at, but I can say I want to be back blogging in this space. I’ve let the negative I’m surrounded with take over too long. I’m taking back my career and emotional/mental health now and this is one of the places I am going to start. Also, I will no longer listen to those saying I can’t write my thoughts here.
I’m still not sure what I’m going to use this space for but I do know that I’ve used some cool STEM tools and my kids have done some amazing projects over the 15 months. I also know that I’m still a tech coach at heart and I miss sharing ideas and encouraging teachers. Every time I try something new I immediately think of how core teachers could do the activity with their students. I need to share those. I also feel so isolated lately that I need the connections and I want others to know they are not alone in feeling this way.
So, I’m back. I know reflection is the best way to grow, it’s time to do that. I will be posting often and sharing with all of you. I also hope to reconnect with many as well. To those of you who have reached out and encouraged me during this time, I don’t get that much professionally and you might be the only one that week who did, so thank you. More soon.