I Don’t Rock

Ok I really like teaching earth science mostly because of the fun subject matter. I enjoy seeing students learn about space, weather, oceans, or how to protect our environment.  It is a subject where my inner nerd can come out and it not be too obvious (I am so Sam Sparks on “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs“). The more I enjoy the subject matter, the more “fun” lessons that come from it. I then see students get excited about it.

So now I have begun my Rock and Mineral unit. To me this is so boring. It’s a rock, like takes a million years to do something. I really have trouble coming up interesting lessons. It does not help I am lacking in lab materials and computers.  I worry I am going to end up resorting to lecturing – which would be pretty boring, because I am bored by the subject matter.

Here is the biggest shocker: I have found myself online searching for lesson plans.  I haven’t done that since college! Still not finding much. I think the rest of the world, other than my 2 y/o, is bored by rocks too. My PLN on twitter has helped me some, but still at loss.

Let’s just say I am ready to move on to earthquakes and volcanoes.

So what motivates you when you get stuck on a subject matter you do not really like?  What do you do to make it interesting for your students?

And I have to ask, have any suggestions for this unit? (before you give me a great idea using internet, computers, etc, please note I only have access on Friday for 45 minutes and that is the day most of my students blog).
