Who Needs A Sub?!

So I am now in the 3rd week of school. To be honest physically this has been a pretty difficult three weeks. I had surgery that was supposed to have a one day recovery the week before students started back. Today is exactly a month later & I still am having complications. The antibiotic I am on has caused me to be horribly sick. This morning was the worst. Today is game day (a 14 hour work day) and I started my morning in faculty room doubled over sick.

I gave kids an article to read and already had a few video clips from Planet Earth to watch but today was my storytelling/lecture day. After having to run out of the class twice sick I jokingly asked the class if someone wanted to teach my lesson for me. One of my girls literally jumped out of her seat wanting to.

SHE ROCKED IT! She a great job navigating the site. She mostly read from the site but did it in an interesting manner. The students listened respecfully. I was so proud of her.

I learned something from this student today. It’s ok to give up control of your classroom to a student, never underestimate a student, and improv can be awesome.

I decided to start something today, a “sub-club”. Trustworthy students from each class that can teach or moderate lessons on days I have a substitute. They will be in charge of my “sub folders” not the office. I plan on also train them on hooking up the IWB to laptop. Hmmmmmm, now I just need to take a day off and test this plan. Kidding.

(BTW my first post from my iPhone so excuse the typos and let me know if you see any!)

9 thoughts on “Who Needs A Sub?!

  1. Isn’t it awesome when you try new things and “think outside the box?” I think the kids really enjoy that kind of stuff – it gets them out of the usual classroom routine that they have in all of their classes. Great stuff! PS – Hope you’re feeling better!!

  2. Sorry that you are still so sick! I think it is outstanding that a student stepped up to help and, even better, that you were willing to let her take over. Many teachers wouldn’t do that regardless of how sick they felt.
    Your idea of a sub club is a great one!

  3. I hope you are feeling better and can get some rest over the long weekend.
    At times during the year I ask my students to prepare something so that they can teach the class. The amazing part is that almost every time I did this the “weaker” students did a better job than the “stronger” students. I am sorry that you aren’t feeling well but the silver lining is that a great teaching technique was discovered that can be used even when you are feeling better.


  4. Amanda, I hope that you’re feeling better! I love your idea of a Sub Club too. Last year, I always felt as though I needed to stop using technology when I was away, so when I had a supply that was comfortable with technology, I decided to teach a Grade 1 student how to hook up the SMART Board so that they could use it. This worked so well! He knew exactly what to do and was a huge help! It’s terrible when you’re feeling terrible, but it’s good to know that you can rely on your students to help you out!


  5. Awesome story! I need to work on allowing my students to do more of this…I’m not very good at delegating responsibility. Sorry you’re still feeling sick! I hope you’ll be all better very soon. 🙂

  6. Control is an illusion. The faster we move away from trying to control everything the better.

    I love the sub club idea and will be doing likewise. Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better soon.

    – @newfirewithin

  7. You are so cool. You did exactly what I want our teachers to feel comforable with…letting go and giving up so much control over the class and learning. I am sorry that you had to be sick to experience this opportunity, but you are so good at learning from others…keep up the good work.

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