Who Needs A Sub?!

So I am now in the 3rd week of school. To be honest physically this has been a pretty difficult three weeks. I had surgery that was supposed to have a one day recovery the week before students started back. Today is exactly a month later & I still am having complications. The antibiotic I am on has caused me to be horribly sick. This morning was the worst. Today is game day (a 14 hour work day) and I started my morning in faculty room doubled over sick.

I gave kids an article to read and already had a few video clips from Planet Earth to watch but today was my storytelling/lecture day. After having to run out of the class twice sick I jokingly asked the class if someone wanted to teach my lesson for me. One of my girls literally jumped out of her seat wanting to.

SHE ROCKED IT! She a great job navigating the site. She mostly read from the site but did it in an interesting manner. The students listened respecfully. I was so proud of her.

I learned something from this student today. It’s ok to give up control of your classroom to a student, never underestimate a student, and improv can be awesome.

I decided to start something today, a “sub-club”. Trustworthy students from each class that can teach or moderate lessons on days I have a substitute. They will be in charge of my “sub folders” not the office. I plan on also train them on hooking up the IWB to laptop. Hmmmmmm, now I just need to take a day off and test this plan. Kidding.

(BTW my first post from my iPhone so excuse the typos and let me know if you see any!)