Thank You

This weekend I was reading tweets (as usual) and saw one that stated the Edublog Awards.  I quickly clicked the link and started looking through the list. I was so excited to see so many friends and blogs I love dearly on that list.  Then I start scrolling down the “Best New Blog” category and Keep thinking, “I like that blog!” or “I love him!”  Then I saw “Upside Down Education” and I seriously thought, hey that blog has similar name as mine. Once the airheadedness (nope it is not a word but using it) left me I realized that was my blog.

In all of my career this is one of the most honored moments.  To be voted on my peers is not only awesome enough, but it to be something I many times feel so insecure about.  Last week on my way home from visiting family for Thanksgiving I had a convo with Jason Bedell about why I should blog or not. If my blogs really made a difference, and so on.  So I find it interesting a week later being nominated for something that to me is such a big honor.

Please go to the Edublog award site and look at the list of blogs, especially if you are looking for new ones to follow.

I thank you for reading what I write and I am very humbled by this nomination.  Y’all are what keep me motivated. Thank you.

Best New Blog

2 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Thank You | Upside Down Education --

  2. Amanda-
    I think all of us wonder if what we have to say ever reaches anyone or if it ever makes a difference. Funny how things like this happen just when they need to. I, too, wonder the same things. I have come very close two times now to deleting my Twitter account and just walking away.

    I always remind myself of two things. First, I blog for me. It is my place to share my idea, insight, and frustrations. There are times when I wish my posts could generate more discussion because there are times when I am truly seeking answers so comments from multiple perspectives are helpful. I also remind myself that just because I don’t get lots of comments does not mean my posts have not touched someone. You wrote one a while back that I meant to come back and comment on, but I never did. But it made me feel good to know that there was someone else out there that I could totally relate to.

    Don’t sell yourself short. You have so many great ideas to share. You also keep me smiling!

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